
learning task 3:"is it true
read the following statements below her fully right through a statement is correct and false if not

1. The oval will be the top rim of the basket so make it wide enough for the fruit to fit
2. To sketch the basket, draw a large curve from 1 end of the oval down and back up to
the other end
3. To make a shallow bowl instead of a deep baskei, draw a narrow crescent below the
4. Sketch your surrounding oval so it's slightly larger than the first oval you drew.
5. To give your basket edge a woven look, make the ring for the base extend along
the length of the basket.
6. Make the larger oval slightly narrower on the side of the basket that will be farther
away from you.
7. The distance between the 2 ovals will depend on the size of your drawing.
8. To connect the arcs for the handle, draw a small line across the top of the 2 arcs at the
very top.
9. You can make your basket weaving as simple or complex as you like.
10. If you don't want to make the basket look woven, use a pencil and blending
stump to snade the bottom and 1 side of the basket.​