Sprain and Strain could be prevented by performing warm ups before you can participate the physical activities and sports to prevent the situation for injuries.
You shouldn't overstretching for Flexibility Training to prevent bone sprains.
Drink more water before, during, and after Physical activity to prevent dehydrated that could attribute the injuries.
Wear your sportswear like rubber shoes, ankle pocket, and etc.
Heat Exhaustion
If you're dehydrated, you need to drink more water before, during, and after performing physical activity during sunny days that could be have a high temperature.
You should wear light clothing like undershirt and shorts to manage body temperature during physical activity that should maintain normal temperature and it takes an air to go inside the clothes when if light to take a normal temperature during exercising.
Performing physical activity outside the house should be do in a morning and night that during afternoon between 10:00 am until 3:00 pm, the temperature outside the house is increasing even at sunny day.