Task 2 Give your stand on the following issues by presenting reasonable arguments 1. "Women talk too much than men".
Your stand/claim (A claim is an idea or arguable opinion that you have come up with on a given issue):.___________________________________________ Your reason/evidence (Your reasons should support your claim and opinion based on facts): ,_________________
2. "Transsexual should be treated as real women"
Your stand/claim (A claim is an idea or arguable opinion that you have come up with on a given issue):__________________________
Your reason/evidence (Your reasons should support your claim and opinion based on facts.)________________
3. "School uniforms should no longer be required."
Your stand/claim (A claim is an idea or arguable opinion that you have come up with on a given issue.)_________________
Your reason/evidence (Your reasons should support your claim and opinion based on facts): __________________