
give the contributory of science and technology in enhancing the beauty of a person​

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Executive Committee,” Bárcena stated.

ECLAC’s Executive Secretary also informed the meeting’s participants that the Commission is conducting specialized studies and reports on analysis of digital technology use in times of COVID-19, while also working on a position document regarding the digital panorama in the region. Furthermore, it is organizing a high-level, technical dialogue with countries regarding the use of digital technologies amid the pandemic.

“The post COVID-19 world demands more regional integration from us. We must think about the region’s future in the new economic geography in order to depend less on imported manufactured goods and imagine regional value chains. Industrial and technological policies are needed that will allow the region to strengthen its production capacities and generate new strategic sectors,” the senior United Nations official stressed.

“To have an impact in the new global economy, the region must move towards greater innovation and productive, trade and technological integration. An integrated market of 650 million inhabitants would constitute an important insurance policy against shocks produced outside the region,” added Alicia Bárcena. She also recalled that ECLAC is working on a proposal for a new universal social protection scheme with a basic income for citizens, as well as on inclusive and sustainable international governance based on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

“What we seek is to put science and technology at the service of people, to open a new space for development with new sectors, services and products, development related to production and technology. I want to emphasize that now is the time for the region to make a very important step forward and to advance together with greater cooperation. ECLAC is committed to this and puts itself at the disposal of countries to carry out all the initiatives that you have set out to do,” the organization’s Executive Secretary

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