Sagot :
Notice How People Make You Feel. Our instincts and intuitions are so much stronger than we give credit. Be present to how people make you feel on the inside. So many times we let our outer beings dictate who we want to be around based on material and external qualities. If deep down in your core, someone makes you feel bad about yourself, that’s a clear sign this person is not going to serve your highest and greatest good.
Let Go of Those Who Bring You Down. We all have those people in our lives that seem to be a drag or an emotional vampire. We feel like we have to keep them in our lives to be “good people” or compassionate to others. While I’m not saying its wrong to be compassionate, it’s also important to practice self-love. If you have someone in your life that is consistently bringing you down, it might be time to lovingly start to step away from them in your day to day life.
Be Open and Receptive. Many of us have images in our minds of who our social circle “should” be. We think we need to be friends with this group of people to feel accepted and on trend. Try being open to everyone, you might be surprised with who might come into your life.
Add Variety Into Your Life. As a child, my mom would always tell me to broaden my social circles. I always had a small amount of friends who I relied on for everything, and that sometimes got me into trouble. Now, I like to have many friends in a variety of social circles. It adds diversity and variety into my life, and I always feel like I have someone to talk to in any given situation.
1.Notice How People Make You Feel.
2.Let Go of Those Who Bring You Down
3.Be Open and Receptive
4.Add Variety Into Your Life