
DIRECTION: Choose the letter of the best answer. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1. Originated from the Maranao people who inhabit the shores of Lake Lanao a. banga d. singkil b. bangkakawan c. maglalatik 2. It is usually performed during religious processions at the town fiesta of Binan. a. banga b. bangkakawan c. maglalatik d. singkil 3. A fishing ritual among the Tigwahanon Manobos of Bukidnon a. banga b. bangkakawan c. maglalatik d. singkil 4. To turn the hand from the wrist either clockwise or counterclockwise a. bilao b. kewet c. kumintang d. salok 5. With elbows close to waist and foreamrs paralel, turn hands up and down. a. bilao b. kewet c. kumintang d. salok​

Sagot :


1. d.

2. c.

3. b.

4. c.

5. a.